Monday, January 14, 2008

Did you ever....

Sit down hoping to write the most fabulous post ever and then ......cue the crickets. I've got nothing. I feel emotionally and physically drained today. Tapped out. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. I think that about covers it. You get the idea. cue the really smart people who ready my blog. Any burning questions for me? Anything you have been just dying to know? I'm up for just about anything. Let er rip.


Madam Crunchypants said...

Here's one!

How's the new job going?

Yvonne said...

Got a kick out of the label for your post!!!

How did you and hubby meet?

What was your favorite year in school and why?

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

How about telling us a bit about what it's like for you to be a mom? It was a long, hard road, I know...and you sure have been blessed with a sweet little guy. Would love to hear more about that!

Laine said...

I'm not really smart, but I'd love to know a little about your childhood and siblings. maybe one of your favorite childhood memories with your siblings?

Melissa said...

Oooh... everyone has asked you some great questions... um... what about some favorites? Music? Movies? Books? I know that's kind of lame... but my brain is focused on my dentist visit today ... :S

Charlotte said...

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Just curious.

Anonymous said...

hi tonya,
i have one for you hon.

what do you think was the first thing that caught your hubby's attention ... that made him get curious and desire to investigate the church awhile back? was it a particular person, situation, something he read/hear, anything?

and what was it for you?

kathleen :)

Nancy Face said...

I just woke up and I'm not feeling smart at all...but here's one:

Are you a Republican or a Democrap?

Nancy Face said...

Since I love food so much, here are a few more:

What is your favorite breakfast cereal? Least favorite?

What do you love to eat for dinner more than anything else?

If you're craving a favorite snack, is it sweet or salty?

Have a happy day! :D

Nancy Face said...

Ooohhh, this is fun...I just thought of another one! (I'm a poet and I know it, tee hee!)

Have you ever played a really great prank on your hubby...or anybody?

Anonymous said...

nancy saying "democrap" just made me laugh out loud! hahah. still chuckling. can't you hear me? :)

Carrie said...

These are such great questions. I can't wait to read your next post!