After stuffing my face yesterday and enjoying being with family and being thankful for all that I have, I was ready for some SHOPPING.....
Every year my dear friends and I brave the cold/rain/crowds in search of that great bargain that we can't live without. Yep, I am one of the nutty people that get up before the dawn and stand in line wiping the sleep out my eyes and waiting for them to open the doors.
We start at Fred Meyer which opens at 5am and then head over to a great shopping center with several stores. We stop in between and have a nice breakfast and usually wear out by about 11am. It a tradition that is now in it's 7th year and we wouldn't dream of ever stopping. We have so much fun and it never fails to get me in the holiday mood.
I got the best deals today. Hubby and I carefully went through the coupons and made lists (his contribution to the shopping) so I was all ready with what I was getting and for whom and where. Before today I had purchased a whopping 2 gifts but after today I am almost finished with EVERYONE...YIPPEE. That is a relief and I really did well with keeping the costs down.
I'm feeling like I just might get through this year without stressing to much. Next weekend we'll get the tree (we get a live one) and get all the decorations up. I am sitting here listening to my favorite Christmas music and I am truly filled with the spirit of Christmas. Shopping is good therapy..LOL
Now, where to hide all my spoils to keep them from wandering eyes.....
I'm so digging out my Christmas music tomorrow! Congrats on your haul!
Good for you!
I'm a little bit jealous. We're nearly done here as well, but we've gone the on-line route for most of our presents this year--so I bet we didn't save as much money as you did.
Happy Holidays.
Yay! I'm so happy for you, almost getting done with your shopping! I am NOT a Black Friday shopper, haha! I spend all that day putting up the Christmas decorations, so I have the Christmas spirit, too! Now I just need to do more shopping! ;)
I think that is so great that you got almost all of your shopping done. It makes the holidays so much easier.
I hope you find a great hiding place--one year I used suitcases. (The kids never thought to look in them ; )
Hurrah! I love shopping the day after! :) I want to get a real tree again this year... but last year it made us all sneezy and sniffly. We spent the holidays in allergy stuffiness. I've always had a real tree... ALWAYS. Now I have to decide - tradition or misery... it's a tough one for me!!
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