Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Negative...who? me?

So...my husband informed that my last couple of posts have been a little on the negative side. Well, heck (pardon my French) does he really expect a person to be happy 24/7. Especially since said person was sicker than a dog? I would like to think that most of the time, I am happy go lucky, glass half full, kind of gal. Going through life, counting my blessings and all that good stuff but.....every once in a while I am going to be a crabby, cranky, glass isn't even a quarter full, blech kind of gal and it's going to wind up here. I intended this blog to be a bit of personal and family history because I am a lame journal writer and I want my posterity to know that I'm not perfect. There I said it!! The secret is out Tim so you better cut and paste it before I change my mind.

With that said, I am actually feeling a bit more on the human side today. Not completely well but enough that I have hope that my head won't always have this yucky stuff all clogged up in there. I slept more than 5 minutes at a time last night which helped immensely. Sleep is not over-rated people. See, I can be positive :p


Nancy Face said...

I write my funniest posts when I'm sick as a a dog and getting no sleep...JUST JOKING!!! I completely agree that we don't need to pretend we're perfect, and blogs are a GREAT place to vent a little! Your bloggy friends care! :)

Carrie said...

You don't have to be perfectly happy and positive every second of your life. You have a right to complain sometimes, especially when you're sick.

I'm glad you're feeling a little better, hopefully you'll be all the way better (and happier) soon.

Clement Family said...

I LOVE reading your posts

Yvonne said...

I think it's fine to vent! That's part of why I started blogging.

I'm glad you are feeling better.

Unknown said...

Being postive is highly overrated. Sleep is not. :-)

Melissa said...

I'm gonna have to agree with Amber. Why be positive when you're sleep deprived?? That's like asking a hungry bear not to eat you... yeah... that's what it's like... and stuff ;) Glad you got some good sleep!!

Nancy Face said...

I gave you an award on my blog...come take a look when you can! :)