Well obviously I have some catching up to do here. I know I've said this a million times but I truly can't believe how fast time flies. It's been a month since my last post.
May has been a busy month . First was Mothers Day. My boys started my day off with a wonderful breakfast in bed. I had french toast and scrambled eggs and orange juice. The best part was that my son helped to make it and then he ate with me in bed.
Blake brought home a cute card from school and bought me a new giant water jug. Hubby bought me a beautiful hanging fuchsia. Okay, so maybe I bought it but it still counts..lol I was treated like a queen all day. I am so blessed to be Blake's mom. I'll never be able to sufficiently thank my Heavenly Father for sending this amazing spirit to me. I must also thank his birth mom for being selfless enough to give us the ultimate gift.
Next was our anniversary. It's been 17 years. We were barely 21 when we got married. We truly have grown up together. It hasn't always been easy but I would do it all over again. He is my best friend. I know that even if the whole world was against me, I could come home and he would be there for me. No one has ever or will ever love me like he does. He's a great man and wonderful father. I look forward to eternity. We celebrated by having Blake spend the night with grandma and going to see a movie. After the movie we weren't very hungry so we went to Sonic and got Cherry lime-aids. It was a great evening.
Last but certainly not least, we just got home yesterday from our first camping trip of the season. We went to Beverly Beach State Park which is just North of Newport. We stayed 3 nights and went with 2 families that we really enjoy spending time with. The weather was perfect. No rain and sun every day. It did get a little chilly here and there but that made for some awesome campfire moments.
Home sweet yurt. Many years ago we used to tent camp and then we stumbled upon these and have never looked back. They are awesome.

Here are most of the kids getting ready for some fun.

Here is Blake chasing the waves.

Best friends. We're sad that these guys will be moving so it was nice to get to spend time with them before they go.

There was a great hill behind us that was just begging to be climbed. So off they all go.

Rayden and Blake are halfway at this point.

They made it to the top. That is Colin up there with them. He followed them up to make sure no one fell.

Apparently he also came in very handy for a ride back down..lol

Here's Mindy and Bella trying to stay out of the campfire smoke.

We had a silly string war.

Jaycine and Colin. Aren't they so cute!

They had some awesome trees in the park that the kids loved to climb. This one was right behind the yurt so the kids spent lots of time up in it.

Garrett made some delicious peach cobbler in the dutch oven.